我累了,不想再主动,换来他人的不屑,又何必呢? 我何曾未尝试过敞开心扉,只是。。。。。。好像没人愿意听从我心里真正想的是什么吧?
只是突然觉得很心烦而已~~~~ 因为,其实我心里一直那么想~~~~~
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Saturday, November 15, 2014
五年半就这样接近尾声了~~~各种方式的叙别会,各种面对面试与考试的过程~~~我,终于踏上毕业的路了~~~ 老实说:开心,因为挨过了~~~ 伤心,要离开了~~~ 担心,在什么地方重新开始呢?~~~ 压力,有了责任感这包袱了~~~~ 遗憾,有什么遗憾? 说来,其实遗憾也蛮多的,没有和好感对象有过好好沟通的机会,没有大开眼界,认识更多的朋友~~~ 没有真正和朋友们疯狂一番~~~~ 还有,没有接近离开离别的感觉~~~~ 唉,写到这里,挺遗憾的,虽然尝试过许许多多疯狂的旅程,吃在这儿吃不完的美食,唱永远唱不完的K哥,逛永远买不完的衣服、用品。。。。但是,人都是难于满足于现状的生物,所以,难得会留下一点点的遗憾。。。
经历了这些事物,思想成熟了很多,同时心门越来越狭窄,开始不懂什么话该说,什么时候说些什么话,说什么才不被讽刺、伤害,怎么说才能够不被针对,现在想起,也难怪一些说话较直接的朋友怎么变得更小心翼翼。。。。不是我们变了,而是我们为了适应生活而改变~~~ 现在,再也没有坚持主见这种东西,因为人们只选择听从他们想听到的话,相反地,当听见难听的话,他们就算一笑而过,心里难免会留下一个刺,从此警告自己不再发言,因为害怕那颗刺越刺越深。。。。就算心里数值多好,也会被刺激吧!
我说过:我有付出努力! 但曾听见有人说:这就是你最好的努力吗?
要说遗憾,就是自己没尽全力~~~ 所以,落后了~
这个地方,带来许许多多的回忆,我们,又长大了~~~~ 懂得包容与面对~~~~ 但是,这样的我,幸福吗? 有时候会这样问自己。。。。我,幸福吗??? 这样活下去,我开心吗?
好久没问自己的心理感受了。。。。。乐观的我,去哪里了? 开始有点担心了吗?因为长大了? 好想跑下一切,过无忧无虑的生活,但理想与梦想终究在起床时就消失了。。。。问世界上的人们,有多少人已实现梦想了? 活着,就代表有机会实现吧!不开心,只会让自己过得更遗憾。。。。这就是人生~~~~
我,得替自己设定过后的生活吧! 希望五年后的自己(二十八岁了)看了这个梦想单时,会发现自己已经完成它了~~~ 五年后,我还会关注这儿吗?
4。结婚~~~ (虽然好难想象)
7。 得空时,与VIP,Inspirit 一起出来喝茶,做善事~
经历了这些事物,思想成熟了很多,同时心门越来越狭窄,开始不懂什么话该说,什么时候说些什么话,说什么才不被讽刺、伤害,怎么说才能够不被针对,现在想起,也难怪一些说话较直接的朋友怎么变得更小心翼翼。。。。不是我们变了,而是我们为了适应生活而改变~~~ 现在,再也没有坚持主见这种东西,因为人们只选择听从他们想听到的话,相反地,当听见难听的话,他们就算一笑而过,心里难免会留下一个刺,从此警告自己不再发言,因为害怕那颗刺越刺越深。。。。就算心里数值多好,也会被刺激吧!
我说过:我有付出努力! 但曾听见有人说:这就是你最好的努力吗?
要说遗憾,就是自己没尽全力~~~ 所以,落后了~
这个地方,带来许许多多的回忆,我们,又长大了~~~~ 懂得包容与面对~~~~ 但是,这样的我,幸福吗? 有时候会这样问自己。。。。我,幸福吗??? 这样活下去,我开心吗?
好久没问自己的心理感受了。。。。。乐观的我,去哪里了? 开始有点担心了吗?因为长大了? 好想跑下一切,过无忧无虑的生活,但理想与梦想终究在起床时就消失了。。。。问世界上的人们,有多少人已实现梦想了? 活着,就代表有机会实现吧!不开心,只会让自己过得更遗憾。。。。这就是人生~~~~
我,得替自己设定过后的生活吧! 希望五年后的自己(二十八岁了)看了这个梦想单时,会发现自己已经完成它了~~~ 五年后,我还会关注这儿吗?
4。结婚~~~ (虽然好难想象)
7。 得空时,与VIP,Inspirit 一起出来喝茶,做善事~
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Show Me the Money^^ Last...
Keep asking myself, since when i have interest in Hip Hop?
Ouch...finally Bobby won^^ Win Team B and IKon^^ Congrats again to Bobby...
Real hip hop? Sometimes feel confused and now, i really like hip hop....rap on stage and entertain the audience with some diss lyric? haha^^ Enjoy this show so much...This is some of my review about this show.
You can't forget some people's face, voice and lyric...
The first thing i love this show is because someone called IRON....or Junghunchul (i only know his real name during final round...YDG said that, haha^^) I love him so much^^ Even his voice and his reggae style..."Nice to nice to know ya, let's do it again...", i like his style of music in hip hop industry, i knew he almost become a member in Bangtan...Can't imagine he dance, really...His smile, and when he said "YDG no doubt" with smile face.....just love him so much!!! Arghhh....if i have chance to go travel in Korea, for sure i will go a underground hip hop concert!!! swear! So high.... Hopefully can listen to him live...especially the song "Venom"....The lyric talked about his early life...living a life like trash....won't repeat the life again, yes you won't, he is "东庙 swagger", IRON! so many things to say so i just use Chinese....haha^^
说到IRON, 真的真的,假如听了他说唱, 肯定被他迷倒,实力,外貌具备,可惜的是决胜局败给了Bobby。。。。i feel like, ouchhh....jinjia~~~haizzz... But he proved to everyone by now, his song during semi final topped korean music chart!!! arhhhh! I knew it will happen! I can't stop listening to his song when i on my way doing my assignment that day, just keep on repeating without getting bored....whole day i was listening the same song^^
I know i will keep watching him....Until he becomes the TOP! Who's the top, who's the top, who's the top?! ME!!!!!like he said...The lyric really nice....have a listen to his music, nice underground rapper...
So, my wishlist will add one more thing: Watching an underground music live!!! Rock and Hip Hop!
Second, i can't stop laughing when looking at my sister's favorite, GIRIBOY!!! haha..."24, 24, 24,24,.....", "pakkae pi hunda julu julu,pakae pi hunda julu julu,........." "Show me the money, show me the money,....", all just LOL!!! Yay, he's good, talented, have music sense....and cute, but....just feel everytime he performed just made me remind back his lyric...keep on repeating lyric...But, it's entertaining, just feel sad he always lose when facing C Jamm, but i like the way he didn't put any XXXX word inside his lyric, almost every contestants did it....
Third, of course YG IKon's B.I. and Bobby! i'm watching this show because of them, wanna see can they get through and also Tablo, Haru's apa^^ Yes, finally Bobby managed to win in final round, while he facing IRON(omo, my bias).... But they make the stage hot!!! Especially Bobby's "Ka(Go)", keep on replaying it too...hehe... "L4L" combining Dok2 and The Quiet, btw, the quiet really have a calm voice and i still remember in third round when Dok2 asked"When is your last time crying", he answered "When i was born"...hahaha!!! just laught out.... Don't you think is funny! Will talk about him later, back to Bobby "If u didn't know, now u know, baby baby..." that part just Epic! One more the song during semi final, "i'm back on the microphone...say hip hop!" also...keep on replaying, and final "Throw your fist and Bounce" nice lyric! Feel happy for him because he can use the money buy a house for his parents who's hard at USA....He's not rich, fly to Korea for his dream, bring his parents a better life, he can do it! and a 19 year old boy didn't meet his parents for 4 years because he can't afford a flight ticket... He deserved it, the money, best rapper, and the win! Looking forward for IKon's debut.... Talking about B.I., sad to see him actually always forgot his lyric which can become his phobia on stage...but great to see he get through it during his last stage "Be I"...sounds nice... And the episode when he forgot the lyric he will ran to the crowd....and shout something to Olltii (my favorite too^^), nice! just nice^^ "wanna step in me be better than me? or earn more money than my company?" haha^^ "Life is money, money is my tissue".... He's a cute boy at the backstage, when he get scold by Tablo, the face, like a young little boy....I know he will success...Work Hard!
Forth, Swings style, "NO!" and "FUXK" , "SHXT"....and more...hehe...I like his producer team with San E, both of them know how to play well in hip hop....and when they have different opinion also...Swings really like his JUST MUSIC people, Vasco, C Jamm and GIRIBoy, three of them made ti to top 6 too, nice! He also very emotional, when he cried for both his guy, C Jamm and Giriboy during 3rd round...Although Vasco and C Jamm both lose at semi final, but they earn respect! Salute! To Swings....When he perform nice! His expressions also very macho! The show will be bored without him...seriously...
Fifth, talking about face expression, i think about Olltii, young boy but mature rap style... He is unlucky....He is good also, especially acapella rap...(rap without background music), "Why need Team A and Team B, I can also be a winner even i'm alone", haha straight shooting our YG! He also very cute, chubby face, and when he talked about"Dollmodel"...All just nice! Sad case when need to eliminate one frm him and Bobby, so he lose.... I can't forget his expression all the time, when others performed on stage, like when L4L, Bobby showed his charm to the audience (of course girl), he just...haha, throw something, shaking his head...I'm just OMG why you so cute! An emotional ICON from SMTM3.... Hopefully can watch him from underground music showcase too....
Sixth, YDG style, haha Shinmanbo! This one also can keep lisening, i'm just why? why YDG picked such a "strange" person? haha...Even all the producer off the light during second round...
YDG like him so much! But, he's unlucky when Vasco choose him, he said "As long i can show on TV right, shXt", haha...Entertaining also...But, his rap has his own style, actually, no bad...I ws laughing when thinking of his rap, not good, but attractive...haha....Manbo hwaiting ba! Have a drink with Swings already? When i watched back the producer's performance, wow, YDG! No wonder Iron choose him since beginning of the show....He had his own style, can watch his weird style from Running Man too...Actually i hate him when he didn't bother about Iron when during top 8...but when i realised he just wanna gave Iron a chance to try out producing music his own, just felt touched! He's Hip Hop GOD! "Hip Hop Saving Team"....
Seveth, that girl, Yukjidam, although she made many humilating thing, but everyone will remember her "Hip Hop mit dang neuo", haha^^Laughing again...But she will have a great future if she managed not to forget her lyrics....maybe she's still young? No experience...?
Eighth, "That's no no", Masta Wu! Just addicted to his word, that no no! Forgot lyric? that's no no! Pouring water to audience while doing mistake? that's no no! Singing rock on hip hop stage? that's no no! Ouch, just addicted.... He is that's no no hyung for the rappers^^ Even when B.I and Booby did ice bucket challenge, also nominated that's no no hyung^^ haha.... And Iron also imitate him, "that's no no~" Masta Wu, epic!
Ninth, Saying contestants who talked harsh words the most, C J A double M^^ this ain't shit, bitch i'm the shit, you ain't shit, i'm the shit bitch! wow, the song keep "pit pit" sound because of these...haha^^ Salute! Secy chic guy C Jamm....still young, sure will see him more in future... now my mind keep on playing his song "A Yo"..."what the fuck is going on bro?", wow... plus his sexy body, i wanna see him perform live too!!!
Reflash back SMTM3, i think of many funny things... TURN UP ! And i learned a lesson from the show, maybe we didn't expect anything in the beginning, just hopefully can reach some target, but when we climb higher and higher until the end, we will feel like, wow, can we just become the top? like Bobby and Iron, they actually didn't expect can reach final, like what Iron say, he just expect can stay until the producer 1st round....but he keep on made it to final....Yes, he felt like why don't we just win, for YDG? haha...This is something called human being... So is not our fault to having a target, or an aim for victory.... Just how you deal with it, work hard to win...just like that! So, i will always support those who want to do better... If we didn't aim something, will we reach the top? reach for a better place?
Like during school dyas, we always worked hard for getting a better result, so we can further our study, get degree....Without a hard work, can we do it? of course no! So, i will respect those always fight for themselves! Turn up! They deserved it, right? Now, we also fight for a posting place after we graduate....growing up, up and up! Climbing upper, upper and upper... So, don't blame people for working hard...Blame yourself not working too hard... Don't feel jealous for those having better result, because you didn't work harder than the person...Something i have learned from this programme...
Just so many things to write for this show...and i will stop here...if you wanna know more, watch it!
Show Me The Money 3! Once again, congrats to Bobby^^
Ouch...finally Bobby won^^ Win Team B and IKon^^ Congrats again to Bobby...
Real hip hop? Sometimes feel confused and now, i really like hip hop....rap on stage and entertain the audience with some diss lyric? haha^^ Enjoy this show so much...This is some of my review about this show.
You can't forget some people's face, voice and lyric...
The first thing i love this show is because someone called IRON....or Junghunchul (i only know his real name during final round...YDG said that, haha^^) I love him so much^^ Even his voice and his reggae style..."Nice to nice to know ya, let's do it again...", i like his style of music in hip hop industry, i knew he almost become a member in Bangtan...Can't imagine he dance, really...His smile, and when he said "YDG no doubt" with smile face.....just love him so much!!! Arghhh....if i have chance to go travel in Korea, for sure i will go a underground hip hop concert!!! swear! So high.... Hopefully can listen to him live...especially the song "Venom"....The lyric talked about his early life...living a life like trash....won't repeat the life again, yes you won't, he is "东庙 swagger", IRON! so many things to say so i just use Chinese....haha^^
说到IRON, 真的真的,假如听了他说唱, 肯定被他迷倒,实力,外貌具备,可惜的是决胜局败给了Bobby。。。。i feel like, ouchhh....jinjia~~~haizzz... But he proved to everyone by now, his song during semi final topped korean music chart!!! arhhhh! I knew it will happen! I can't stop listening to his song when i on my way doing my assignment that day, just keep on repeating without getting bored....whole day i was listening the same song^^
![]() |
The picture i did for Iron, hehe^^ |
So, my wishlist will add one more thing: Watching an underground music live!!! Rock and Hip Hop!
Second, i can't stop laughing when looking at my sister's favorite, GIRIBOY!!! haha..."24, 24, 24,24,.....", "pakkae pi hunda julu julu,pakae pi hunda julu julu,........." "Show me the money, show me the money,....", all just LOL!!! Yay, he's good, talented, have music sense....and cute, but....just feel everytime he performed just made me remind back his lyric...keep on repeating lyric...But, it's entertaining, just feel sad he always lose when facing C Jamm, but i like the way he didn't put any XXXX word inside his lyric, almost every contestants did it....
Third, of course YG IKon's B.I. and Bobby! i'm watching this show because of them, wanna see can they get through and also Tablo, Haru's apa^^ Yes, finally Bobby managed to win in final round, while he facing IRON(omo, my bias).... But they make the stage hot!!! Especially Bobby's "Ka(Go)", keep on replaying it too...hehe... "L4L" combining Dok2 and The Quiet, btw, the quiet really have a calm voice and i still remember in third round when Dok2 asked"When is your last time crying", he answered "When i was born"...hahaha!!! just laught out.... Don't you think is funny! Will talk about him later, back to Bobby "If u didn't know, now u know, baby baby..." that part just Epic! One more the song during semi final, "i'm back on the microphone...say hip hop!" also...keep on replaying, and final "Throw your fist and Bounce" nice lyric! Feel happy for him because he can use the money buy a house for his parents who's hard at USA....He's not rich, fly to Korea for his dream, bring his parents a better life, he can do it! and a 19 year old boy didn't meet his parents for 4 years because he can't afford a flight ticket... He deserved it, the money, best rapper, and the win! Looking forward for IKon's debut.... Talking about B.I., sad to see him actually always forgot his lyric which can become his phobia on stage...but great to see he get through it during his last stage "Be I"...sounds nice... And the episode when he forgot the lyric he will ran to the crowd....and shout something to Olltii (my favorite too^^), nice! just nice^^ "wanna step in me be better than me? or earn more money than my company?" haha^^ "Life is money, money is my tissue".... He's a cute boy at the backstage, when he get scold by Tablo, the face, like a young little boy....I know he will success...Work Hard!
Forth, Swings style, "NO!" and "FUXK" , "SHXT"....and more...hehe...I like his producer team with San E, both of them know how to play well in hip hop....and when they have different opinion also...Swings really like his JUST MUSIC people, Vasco, C Jamm and GIRIBoy, three of them made ti to top 6 too, nice! He also very emotional, when he cried for both his guy, C Jamm and Giriboy during 3rd round...Although Vasco and C Jamm both lose at semi final, but they earn respect! Salute! To Swings....When he perform nice! His expressions also very macho! The show will be bored without him...seriously...
Fifth, talking about face expression, i think about Olltii, young boy but mature rap style... He is unlucky....He is good also, especially acapella rap...(rap without background music), "Why need Team A and Team B, I can also be a winner even i'm alone", haha straight shooting our YG! He also very cute, chubby face, and when he talked about"Dollmodel"...All just nice! Sad case when need to eliminate one frm him and Bobby, so he lose.... I can't forget his expression all the time, when others performed on stage, like when L4L, Bobby showed his charm to the audience (of course girl), he just...haha, throw something, shaking his head...I'm just OMG why you so cute! An emotional ICON from SMTM3.... Hopefully can watch him from underground music showcase too....
Sixth, YDG style, haha Shinmanbo! This one also can keep lisening, i'm just why? why YDG picked such a "strange" person? haha...Even all the producer off the light during second round...
YDG like him so much! But, he's unlucky when Vasco choose him, he said "As long i can show on TV right, shXt", haha...Entertaining also...But, his rap has his own style, actually, no bad...I ws laughing when thinking of his rap, not good, but attractive...haha....Manbo hwaiting ba! Have a drink with Swings already? When i watched back the producer's performance, wow, YDG! No wonder Iron choose him since beginning of the show....He had his own style, can watch his weird style from Running Man too...Actually i hate him when he didn't bother about Iron when during top 8...but when i realised he just wanna gave Iron a chance to try out producing music his own, just felt touched! He's Hip Hop GOD! "Hip Hop Saving Team"....
Seveth, that girl, Yukjidam, although she made many humilating thing, but everyone will remember her "Hip Hop mit dang neuo", haha^^Laughing again...But she will have a great future if she managed not to forget her lyrics....maybe she's still young? No experience...?
Eighth, "That's no no", Masta Wu! Just addicted to his word, that no no! Forgot lyric? that's no no! Pouring water to audience while doing mistake? that's no no! Singing rock on hip hop stage? that's no no! Ouch, just addicted.... He is that's no no hyung for the rappers^^ Even when B.I and Booby did ice bucket challenge, also nominated that's no no hyung^^ haha.... And Iron also imitate him, "that's no no~" Masta Wu, epic!
Ninth, Saying contestants who talked harsh words the most, C J A double M^^ this ain't shit, bitch i'm the shit, you ain't shit, i'm the shit bitch! wow, the song keep "pit pit" sound because of these...haha^^ Salute! Secy chic guy C Jamm....still young, sure will see him more in future... now my mind keep on playing his song "A Yo"..."what the fuck is going on bro?", wow... plus his sexy body, i wanna see him perform live too!!!
Reflash back SMTM3, i think of many funny things... TURN UP ! And i learned a lesson from the show, maybe we didn't expect anything in the beginning, just hopefully can reach some target, but when we climb higher and higher until the end, we will feel like, wow, can we just become the top? like Bobby and Iron, they actually didn't expect can reach final, like what Iron say, he just expect can stay until the producer 1st round....but he keep on made it to final....Yes, he felt like why don't we just win, for YDG? haha...This is something called human being... So is not our fault to having a target, or an aim for victory.... Just how you deal with it, work hard to win...just like that! So, i will always support those who want to do better... If we didn't aim something, will we reach the top? reach for a better place?
Like during school dyas, we always worked hard for getting a better result, so we can further our study, get degree....Without a hard work, can we do it? of course no! So, i will respect those always fight for themselves! Turn up! They deserved it, right? Now, we also fight for a posting place after we graduate....growing up, up and up! Climbing upper, upper and upper... So, don't blame people for working hard...Blame yourself not working too hard... Don't feel jealous for those having better result, because you didn't work harder than the person...Something i have learned from this programme...
Just so many things to write for this show...and i will stop here...if you wanna know more, watch it!
Show Me The Money 3! Once again, congrats to Bobby^^
Friday, August 22, 2014
Stress!!! Muahahaha...
Hit song maker, a new Korean Variety Show, combining two chubby Weekly Idol's MC with VIXX's N and Hyuk, GOT7's Jackson and BTOB's Sungjae, producing a group song, "Stress", a song i'm listening while typing these words...
So, i just use this as my tittle for today.... I'm trying to practice some Korean Pop song's dance, is the song i listen next, BTS's "Danger"...Of course, i'm always watching JiMin^^ Cute and charismatic type, Taeyang style dance moves.... Hopefully can use this dance move as my diet exercise....Hwaiting!
I really stop blogging for a long long time already, so many things i want to say right now, first, 0812, Winner chukkae for your debut^^ And today's Music Bank without performing and get your second win^^ Jinwoo should be very happy right? 0818, Happy Birthday to my sister's "husband", Kwon jiyong^^ Wish your best and become more popular with your music^^ Let us crooked!!! 0819, happy 8 anniversary BB^^ Although you are not the first idol i like, but i will like you all until whenever....forever? hehe....so, please continue producing your music...I love it so much^^ Looking forward for your comeback.....
Today, 0822, 11:56pm....I'm alone in my room....So just listen to latest Korean song, Busker Busker...haha...although not so like their style but their song really addicting...
One more, a survival program "Show me the money" also caught my sight, is because of my sister, now....i always praying my favorite Iron, Bobby and Olltii don't out please...feeling unsecure because Iron lose to Vasco in their one to one battle, and now, we still don't know the result of one on one battle between bobby and Olltii, my heart goes to Olltii, but i like Bobby performances more...otokae???? Can't deny that Vasco is nice and very good....as a father as long as a rapper...but not my style... so need to wait for last battle between C Jamm and Giriboy, Just Music gang, haha, Swings may cry again? haha.... Anyway, i still hope Iron or Olltii can win..... Like their rap so much. One more thing is because this program really nice for rappers to exposed their feeling and about their life inside the lyric, just like BI's "Be I", a nice song to express his feeling about the people who always bashing him and treat him like an i-doll.... To me, i like this type of program so much and i have searched back season 1's winner, LOCO's "come home", looking his face and the lyric...My tears dropped....
This is when i didn't see the English sub, and when i see it and read it, i cried...thinking a lot of things.... Like when i want to do something without my family's permission, and did it although my parents didn't allow, feel like i really bad.....I'm not a good girl for my parents, i know they love me and always support, just sometimes....I still do something hurting them, not one time, but keeps on repeating....Like what LOCO did...Ya, we don't know whether how out parents feel if they know all those things i have done.....Just feel so guilty...The thing i can do is let them have a good life, don't regret, and my dream all time, bring my family to a trip...Feeling touched every time listen to this song....I'm coming home~~~
Privacy...is what G Dragon want, if you all really is his fans, please respect him, don't let him feeling like that anymore, let he live..please...
When you feel sad, you still need to stay strong, keep smiling because is the only way you can live.....
When you feel lonely, you still need to be happy because it will make your life better...
When you feel mad, you must try to think the other way because there may not be a serious thing to let you feeling down...
This is life... We don't know what will happen next, just try to enjoy every single day, let yourself be happy...
I'm no longer be a student anymore, and i will become somebody in the society after these few month...Cheer for me, myself!
So, i just use this as my tittle for today.... I'm trying to practice some Korean Pop song's dance, is the song i listen next, BTS's "Danger"...Of course, i'm always watching JiMin^^ Cute and charismatic type, Taeyang style dance moves.... Hopefully can use this dance move as my diet exercise....Hwaiting!
I really stop blogging for a long long time already, so many things i want to say right now, first, 0812, Winner chukkae for your debut^^ And today's Music Bank without performing and get your second win^^ Jinwoo should be very happy right? 0818, Happy Birthday to my sister's "husband", Kwon jiyong^^ Wish your best and become more popular with your music^^ Let us crooked!!! 0819, happy 8 anniversary BB^^ Although you are not the first idol i like, but i will like you all until whenever....forever? hehe....so, please continue producing your music...I love it so much^^ Looking forward for your comeback.....
Today, 0822, 11:56pm....I'm alone in my room....So just listen to latest Korean song, Busker Busker...haha...although not so like their style but their song really addicting...
One more, a survival program "Show me the money" also caught my sight, is because of my sister, now....i always praying my favorite Iron, Bobby and Olltii don't out please...feeling unsecure because Iron lose to Vasco in their one to one battle, and now, we still don't know the result of one on one battle between bobby and Olltii, my heart goes to Olltii, but i like Bobby performances more...otokae???? Can't deny that Vasco is nice and very good....as a father as long as a rapper...but not my style... so need to wait for last battle between C Jamm and Giriboy, Just Music gang, haha, Swings may cry again? haha.... Anyway, i still hope Iron or Olltii can win..... Like their rap so much. One more thing is because this program really nice for rappers to exposed their feeling and about their life inside the lyric, just like BI's "Be I", a nice song to express his feeling about the people who always bashing him and treat him like an i-doll.... To me, i like this type of program so much and i have searched back season 1's winner, LOCO's "come home", looking his face and the lyric...My tears dropped....
This is when i didn't see the English sub, and when i see it and read it, i cried...thinking a lot of things.... Like when i want to do something without my family's permission, and did it although my parents didn't allow, feel like i really bad.....I'm not a good girl for my parents, i know they love me and always support, just sometimes....I still do something hurting them, not one time, but keeps on repeating....Like what LOCO did...Ya, we don't know whether how out parents feel if they know all those things i have done.....Just feel so guilty...The thing i can do is let them have a good life, don't regret, and my dream all time, bring my family to a trip...Feeling touched every time listen to this song....I'm coming home~~~
Privacy...is what G Dragon want, if you all really is his fans, please respect him, don't let him feeling like that anymore, let he live..please...
When you feel sad, you still need to stay strong, keep smiling because is the only way you can live.....
When you feel lonely, you still need to be happy because it will make your life better...
When you feel mad, you must try to think the other way because there may not be a serious thing to let you feeling down...
This is life... We don't know what will happen next, just try to enjoy every single day, let yourself be happy...
I'm no longer be a student anymore, and i will become somebody in the society after these few month...Cheer for me, myself!
Sunday, May 25, 2014
看了整整七个小时的汤杯决赛,真心觉得,看的人真的要很强心脏啊!!!你们明白的对吗?除了前面的第一单打和第二单打外,其他的都是差一点点的距离,打到三盘的啊!!! 严重窒息,一直都心跳加速的观看。当然也少不了我的“鹰眼”, 女性的本能,看帅哥,看到过瘾~~~
奇怪的是,我对户外运动都没什么兴趣(假如自己玩的或),可是只要叫我观看,我却非常喜欢甚至上瘾,比如足球、羽球、F1、体操、跳水之类的,我都很喜欢。今天则是欣赏了非常刺激的羽球赛,虽然大马输了,但赢得了所有人民的喝彩~~~ 我的心情简直是:兴奋、紧张、伤心、失望、惊喜、刺激。。。这样上上下下的感觉,好像唤醒了我好久没有的激动,看球的激动。。。。
除了比赛,不知你们有没有看到场外团员们的应援呢?也是精神战啊。。。无可否认,日本无时无刻的对上场的团员给以最强的应援。。。。可是,那些夸张的动作真的让我们又气又笑的,对吧?这就是他们家的应援方式嘛,强的是,日本第二男双怎么就不会累的?一边打一边喊,很激动地,但是还是这样精力充沛,虽然最后输了~~~ 这么多场,看得最紧张的就是第二男双这场了,一直在家喊叫,别让日本男双呐喊啊!越喊越有自信的,看了很担心陈伟强和吴伟申啊~~~ 老实说:大马这对男双很帅,对吗?尤其是陈伟强~~~~ 那个魅力与气质,哇,真的好想找个运动员当男友啊~~~~ 哈哈,有犯花痴了~~~ 当然也少不了大马魅力男双,好多人的男神,陈文宏啦!!! (不好意思,不是一哥~)他跟那胖胖的云天豪那场也非常精彩有看头叻~~~~ 云天豪的弹跳力,不是开玩笑的,虽然我好像看到陈文宏跑全场的感觉,云天豪给我的感觉就是,丢分、拿分、丢分、拿分~!!!哈哈~~~ 看了也好笑~~~但是,你们卖力的样子,看了很欣慰~~~ 尽力就好! 说到第一男双,其实日本那两个蛮帅的,不会讲的魅力~~~ 所以支持男神的同时也看看日本那两位啦~~~哈哈~~~ 我个人觉得陈文宏云天豪打得很好了,那个日本的世界第三啊!!! 真的很好了!看这一场,大饱眼福。。。。嘻嘻,女人嘛。。。。
可惜的是,那个决定性的球,用电脑判断in 的,才那么一点点叻~~~又在那么决定性的分数。。。刘国伦,他尽力了,我看到了,他将我们已绝望的第二局突然来个逆转,反败为胜,那时,是多么的激动啊!!! 让我们看到那一丝丝希望,第三局也一直扳平比分,真的,尽力了,有坚持的心就足够了。。。。
真心觉得,整个比赛,教练团也是贡献非常大的!朴柱奉啊!神一般的存在,让日本击败中国,直挺决赛,在赢得第一座汤杯!!! 真的非常了不起,还有让“帅帅男单”当任第三男单,赢得比赛,所以,他的功劳,不可无视的。。。。虽然他还没为国家(韩国)拿到汤杯,相信几年后他会率领韩国改变历史吧?期待着。。。。
中国,不再是他们统领汤杯了,日本展开了汤杯历史新的一页~~~ 大马也慢慢向着历史前进,以现在的状况,我相信只要拥有稳定的男单,圆汤杯梦只是时间的问题~~~还有两年后,加油吧!你们,让我们见证了努力、奋斗~~~~ 这应该是最好的结果了,历年来只是到八强而已,对不对?这场七小时的比赛,真的令我好爽快!刺激。。。。紧张。。。。
奇怪的是,我对户外运动都没什么兴趣(假如自己玩的或),可是只要叫我观看,我却非常喜欢甚至上瘾,比如足球、羽球、F1、体操、跳水之类的,我都很喜欢。今天则是欣赏了非常刺激的羽球赛,虽然大马输了,但赢得了所有人民的喝彩~~~ 我的心情简直是:兴奋、紧张、伤心、失望、惊喜、刺激。。。这样上上下下的感觉,好像唤醒了我好久没有的激动,看球的激动。。。。
除了比赛,不知你们有没有看到场外团员们的应援呢?也是精神战啊。。。无可否认,日本无时无刻的对上场的团员给以最强的应援。。。。可是,那些夸张的动作真的让我们又气又笑的,对吧?这就是他们家的应援方式嘛,强的是,日本第二男双怎么就不会累的?一边打一边喊,很激动地,但是还是这样精力充沛,虽然最后输了~~~ 这么多场,看得最紧张的就是第二男双这场了,一直在家喊叫,别让日本男双呐喊啊!越喊越有自信的,看了很担心陈伟强和吴伟申啊~~~ 老实说:大马这对男双很帅,对吗?尤其是陈伟强~~~~ 那个魅力与气质,哇,真的好想找个运动员当男友啊~~~~ 哈哈,有犯花痴了~~~ 当然也少不了大马魅力男双,好多人的男神,陈文宏啦!!! (不好意思,不是一哥~)他跟那胖胖的云天豪那场也非常精彩有看头叻~~~~ 云天豪的弹跳力,不是开玩笑的,虽然我好像看到陈文宏跑全场的感觉,云天豪给我的感觉就是,丢分、拿分、丢分、拿分~!!!哈哈~~~ 看了也好笑~~~但是,你们卖力的样子,看了很欣慰~~~ 尽力就好! 说到第一男双,其实日本那两个蛮帅的,不会讲的魅力~~~ 所以支持男神的同时也看看日本那两位啦~~~哈哈~~~ 我个人觉得陈文宏云天豪打得很好了,那个日本的世界第三啊!!! 真的很好了!看这一场,大饱眼福。。。。嘻嘻,女人嘛。。。。
可惜的是,那个决定性的球,用电脑判断in 的,才那么一点点叻~~~又在那么决定性的分数。。。刘国伦,他尽力了,我看到了,他将我们已绝望的第二局突然来个逆转,反败为胜,那时,是多么的激动啊!!! 让我们看到那一丝丝希望,第三局也一直扳平比分,真的,尽力了,有坚持的心就足够了。。。。
真心觉得,整个比赛,教练团也是贡献非常大的!朴柱奉啊!神一般的存在,让日本击败中国,直挺决赛,在赢得第一座汤杯!!! 真的非常了不起,还有让“帅帅男单”当任第三男单,赢得比赛,所以,他的功劳,不可无视的。。。。虽然他还没为国家(韩国)拿到汤杯,相信几年后他会率领韩国改变历史吧?期待着。。。。
中国,不再是他们统领汤杯了,日本展开了汤杯历史新的一页~~~ 大马也慢慢向着历史前进,以现在的状况,我相信只要拥有稳定的男单,圆汤杯梦只是时间的问题~~~还有两年后,加油吧!你们,让我们见证了努力、奋斗~~~~ 这应该是最好的结果了,历年来只是到八强而已,对不对?这场七小时的比赛,真的令我好爽快!刺激。。。。紧张。。。。
Friday, May 16, 2014
Ringa Linga Ling~~~ The sun is rise^^
"My name is T to the A to the E, Y to the A-N-G" nice song assa! chotta!!!
Listen to this song and you will fallen in love with him, Taeyang... my ideal guy^^
I'm also trying to transfer become someone's ideal type too^^ Just tried some make up with my housemate and I found a quote that"there's no ugly girl in this world"...Yeah! I had tranform abit, just a bit more pretty with some make up...special thanks to my friend...^^
Now just have a look what i had changed with a make up^^
Listen to this song and you will fallen in love with him, Taeyang... my ideal guy^^
I'm also trying to transfer become someone's ideal type too^^ Just tried some make up with my housemate and I found a quote that"there's no ugly girl in this world"...Yeah! I had tranform abit, just a bit more pretty with some make up...special thanks to my friend...^^
Now just have a look what i had changed with a make up^^
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After make up^^ with my friend^^ |
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Hey, sexy me^^ haha~~~ Like it? |
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I'm always confident with my look, haha~~~ Thinking~~~ Why i'm still single??? |
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With rilakuma ;)
This is what i had taken recently...^^ hehe~~~
Actually this is a post i have wrote last year but didn't post it out, and I have added two more photo i have taken recently...haha... Make up myself is very fun and i hope that someday i can make myself become more confident in front of people...Hwaiting~~~~
最近真的发生了许多许多事,娱乐,渐渐减少~~~~ 比如飞机无故失踪事件、首尔沉船事件、土耳其矿场爆炸事件、我国界一连三的车祸事件。。。。这都让我突然感觉到,没有长长久久、永远的事情。。。。所有的事件都有始有终,像电视剧、歌词一样,一一反映了我们短短几时年的人生,我对自己的未来、自己的工作,真的感到很渺茫,突然想起了那小时候笨笨的梦想,什么环游世界、背包旅行,停在某个国家兼职,赚钱,再移到其他国家旅游一番。假如人生那么简单,那该多好,但是我就是做不到这么自私的理想,因为我知道已毕业后自己的责任是多么的重大,还有那时时刻刻支撑着我的父母,弟妹,我一定要帮助他们,报答他们,假如能够,我希望能够和他们去旅行,简单的旅行。。。
说到音乐,我该谈谈这主题了。我,不懂音乐、不会音乐、只简单学了初丁的吉他、更不会跟上节奏感或跳舞的。。。。但是,我喜欢听音乐,音乐,能平定我的心情,让我“寂寞”的生活增添色彩,我喜欢听着音乐,思考未来、思考我的计划, 那种感觉。。。。但是,最近真的发生太多事情了,真希望像一场梦一般,闭上眼睛,再睁开眼睛发现现在所发生的事情并不存在。但是,为什么我们还不能从梦中清醒?为什么那个“梦”那么的真实、那么的恐怖?不是才睡一阵子吗?为什么我们好像无法清醒了??? 现实,就是这样,比如:在5月14日,“仁显” 情侣,分手了,接下来,“崔英道”分手,还有5月15日,又多一对情侣分手了,灰姑娘姐姐 和 金范 分手了。。。。。但是,更恐怖的是,吴亦凡退团,控告公司之说,金俊勉在领奖说的话中话,这些到底是怎么一回事?事情越演变就越严重。。。。过程中,我看到粉丝为维护偶像引发的“口水战”, 还有那些无厘头,不懂事实却胡乱猜测的公众。。。让事情更不明朗了。。。。一个报道、一则新闻,足以轰动哈韩的我们。。。。理由,应该不想知道了,就算又多好奇,但我还是一个小小的哈韩粉丝,人云亦云,根本不能真正搞好情况,最重要的是,他说了,他还在!吴亦凡还在~~~就这样,我选择相信。。。但是,短短的两天,我也看到了好多好多好的一面,留下可能就因为粉丝,那个对粉丝的责任,我希望的是,别像90年代一样,偶像解散,粉丝自杀。。。小妹妹们,相信oppa们吧,无论年结果如何,不忘初心,继续爱护他们吧,肯定会有最好的结果的。。。。。还有,其他粉丝团也站起来帮助他们了,那些姐姐们都不计较脑残们(不好意思,只能说,习惯了。。。)之前那些伤害人的评语,站出来为他们祷告了。。。。所以,希望这件事能令脑残们成长,变得更加成熟吧。。。。突然很想念互相为了维护自家偶像吵到两边天的你们,所以守护队长、队员的工作就靠你们了。。。。。
说真的:我还想听更多他们的歌,可以撑多几年吗?太快了,别那么快结束! 实力、外貌、魅力、舞蹈,你们都有,庞大的粉丝团、脑残但时时维护你们的粉丝、十几年没人创造的唱片专辑售卖记录、如雷般的呐喊声、完美的舞台应援,你们在短短的时间内拥有了一切,所以,为了粉丝,坚强下去吧!我想看到你们继续搞笑,还有舞台魅力和中毒的音乐,让我再次中毒吧! 也让我,这还称不上你的“脑残粉丝”的,称为他们吧!努力吧!
EXO! saranghaja!!!!
其实,我挺喜欢脑残的,你们只是另一个“程诗源”(回答吧!1997)而已,我也一样,我也是那么的疯狂,因为这代表我们的青春,我们的奋斗,我们的活力,别人不了解不要紧,因为这只是维护自家偶像的方式而已,所以这种关键时刻,他们都支持这你们奋斗的,就算我们曾有不认同的地方,为了偶像吵吵闹闹的一刻,但本意并不是希望对手倒下,因为这只是哈韩们的争斗而已,像戏里HOT 和 水晶男孩粉丝的口水战,到最后还是相偎相依的。。。。我们了解对方,因为我们的心只有一个目的。。。。守护偶像~~~~不是弄垮别人偶像~~~~ 所以到其他偶像有事时,我们会安慰对方,为他们感到心动,追星的人都很单纯,毫无恶意。。。这比起社会人物的狠毒以及居心不良差很远。。。。他们的吵吵闹闹,只是一个维护的方式,没有想真正伤害任何一个人。。。。他们很可爱。。。。天真。。。。比起已踏入社会的人,他们就像一张白纸。。。。
所以行星们,加油吧!我会支持你们的。。。。 #StaystrongEXO #WebelieveinyouKRIS
最近真的发生了许多许多事,娱乐,渐渐减少~~~~ 比如飞机无故失踪事件、首尔沉船事件、土耳其矿场爆炸事件、我国界一连三的车祸事件。。。。这都让我突然感觉到,没有长长久久、永远的事情。。。。所有的事件都有始有终,像电视剧、歌词一样,一一反映了我们短短几时年的人生,我对自己的未来、自己的工作,真的感到很渺茫,突然想起了那小时候笨笨的梦想,什么环游世界、背包旅行,停在某个国家兼职,赚钱,再移到其他国家旅游一番。假如人生那么简单,那该多好,但是我就是做不到这么自私的理想,因为我知道已毕业后自己的责任是多么的重大,还有那时时刻刻支撑着我的父母,弟妹,我一定要帮助他们,报答他们,假如能够,我希望能够和他们去旅行,简单的旅行。。。
说到音乐,我该谈谈这主题了。我,不懂音乐、不会音乐、只简单学了初丁的吉他、更不会跟上节奏感或跳舞的。。。。但是,我喜欢听音乐,音乐,能平定我的心情,让我“寂寞”的生活增添色彩,我喜欢听着音乐,思考未来、思考我的计划, 那种感觉。。。。但是,最近真的发生太多事情了,真希望像一场梦一般,闭上眼睛,再睁开眼睛发现现在所发生的事情并不存在。但是,为什么我们还不能从梦中清醒?为什么那个“梦”那么的真实、那么的恐怖?不是才睡一阵子吗?为什么我们好像无法清醒了??? 现实,就是这样,比如:在5月14日,“仁显” 情侣,分手了,接下来,“崔英道”分手,还有5月15日,又多一对情侣分手了,灰姑娘姐姐 和 金范 分手了。。。。。但是,更恐怖的是,吴亦凡退团,控告公司之说,金俊勉在领奖说的话中话,这些到底是怎么一回事?事情越演变就越严重。。。。过程中,我看到粉丝为维护偶像引发的“口水战”, 还有那些无厘头,不懂事实却胡乱猜测的公众。。。让事情更不明朗了。。。。一个报道、一则新闻,足以轰动哈韩的我们。。。。理由,应该不想知道了,就算又多好奇,但我还是一个小小的哈韩粉丝,人云亦云,根本不能真正搞好情况,最重要的是,他说了,他还在!吴亦凡还在~~~就这样,我选择相信。。。但是,短短的两天,我也看到了好多好多好的一面,留下可能就因为粉丝,那个对粉丝的责任,我希望的是,别像90年代一样,偶像解散,粉丝自杀。。。小妹妹们,相信oppa们吧,无论年结果如何,不忘初心,继续爱护他们吧,肯定会有最好的结果的。。。。。还有,其他粉丝团也站起来帮助他们了,那些姐姐们都不计较脑残们(不好意思,只能说,习惯了。。。)之前那些伤害人的评语,站出来为他们祷告了。。。。所以,希望这件事能令脑残们成长,变得更加成熟吧。。。。突然很想念互相为了维护自家偶像吵到两边天的你们,所以守护队长、队员的工作就靠你们了。。。。。
说真的:我还想听更多他们的歌,可以撑多几年吗?太快了,别那么快结束! 实力、外貌、魅力、舞蹈,你们都有,庞大的粉丝团、脑残但时时维护你们的粉丝、十几年没人创造的唱片专辑售卖记录、如雷般的呐喊声、完美的舞台应援,你们在短短的时间内拥有了一切,所以,为了粉丝,坚强下去吧!我想看到你们继续搞笑,还有舞台魅力和中毒的音乐,让我再次中毒吧! 也让我,这还称不上你的“脑残粉丝”的,称为他们吧!努力吧!
EXO! saranghaja!!!!
其实,我挺喜欢脑残的,你们只是另一个“程诗源”(回答吧!1997)而已,我也一样,我也是那么的疯狂,因为这代表我们的青春,我们的奋斗,我们的活力,别人不了解不要紧,因为这只是维护自家偶像的方式而已,所以这种关键时刻,他们都支持这你们奋斗的,就算我们曾有不认同的地方,为了偶像吵吵闹闹的一刻,但本意并不是希望对手倒下,因为这只是哈韩们的争斗而已,像戏里HOT 和 水晶男孩粉丝的口水战,到最后还是相偎相依的。。。。我们了解对方,因为我们的心只有一个目的。。。。守护偶像~~~~不是弄垮别人偶像~~~~ 所以到其他偶像有事时,我们会安慰对方,为他们感到心动,追星的人都很单纯,毫无恶意。。。这比起社会人物的狠毒以及居心不良差很远。。。。他们的吵吵闹闹,只是一个维护的方式,没有想真正伤害任何一个人。。。。他们很可爱。。。。天真。。。。比起已踏入社会的人,他们就像一张白纸。。。。
所以行星们,加油吧!我会支持你们的。。。。 #StaystrongEXO #WebelieveinyouKRIS
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
140115-My Record
最近又疯Kpop Star 了,奇怪的是,明明有许许多多中文的歌唱节目,为什么我会为Kpop Star,我又不懂他们在唱什么的节目疯狂,奇怪吧,就像评审们强调的,soul, 感觉,我不会听那些疯高音、拼技巧的歌曲,听了也不舒服,我喜欢的,是简单的,可依让我享受音乐的歌曲,听了心中麻麻的感觉的歌曲,看他们的表情、动作,就能够打动我的那种感觉。。。
好喜欢那个弹吉他的少年,Sam Kim, 可爱的笑容,弹吉他时感觉满分,听的人也为之享受,现在做音乐就是享受,才会让听的人也享受。。。。当然还有Bernard Park, 听入心底的歌声。。。现在脑海里还隐约听着他们的 “6, 8 , 12”。。。。
Thursday, January 9, 2014
开学了,迟来的一句"happy new year^^"!!!!
现在令我疯狂的莫过于这部“来自星星的你” 了!!!
每次救她的一幕都是惊心动人的。。。。。强力推荐这部戏!真心希望结局部要是悲剧啊,且拜!!!现在真的太投入在可爱外星人 都敏俊的角色了~~~完美!还有那吓人的家产~~~
此外,最近也开始观看“总理与我”, 允儿演的。。。好喜欢姜室长,现在才看到第四集,希望他不是那个spy。。。还有,我们和国家未免太坏了吧。。。可怜允儿的角色啊!还是要祝贺戏外允儿公布恋爱了!是他!!!哈哈。。。想不到彼此理想对象真的成为情侣了。。。好感动!在强心脏是就希望两人是一对了,男的十全十美,女的年轻貌美,天生一对!祝福他们。。。。
突然听回中学时代偶像的歌,就是Jonas Brothers, Jesse Mccartney, Usher, Ne Yo 等的歌,有点回味当初每个礼拜必买的杂志:Galaxy...里边的海报还有歌词将成为我在班上桌子贴上的封面。。。当时我们都包了一层黑色纸在桌上,贴上自己的偶像。。。。当时我真的很喜欢他们的歌曲。。。比如:“Just So You Know”, "Because you lived", "Beautiful Soul"-Jesse Mccartney,
"S.O.S", "When you look me in the eyes", "Burnin' up" - Jonas Brothers.... 满满的回忆,或许人老了,就开始回忆起过去吧。。。哈哈~~~我,认老了。。。。
我看了出殡的影片,唯一得到的感触就是。。。。那么伤感的仪式,为什么还是有摄像机的光亮一闪一闪的。。。他,会不会难堪,会不会有一刻希望自己能够在清静的情况,抛下闪闪发亮的光芒,只为送三老最后一程? 我们只看到天空上遥远的他,应该猜测不到他的内心吧。。。看到他哭时,我也心碎了,他,很累吧?孤独吧?现在,他在服兵役,还有几个月就完成了。。。却接到了这种消息。。。很不现实。。。。却只能强装坚强。。。因为他还得照顾母亲与姐姐。。。很难受吧。。。。人生,就是这样,往往发生一些意料以外的事,这些事情,没有任何事先通知,就那么残忍的,毁了你的一切一切计划。。。这就是我们面对的挑战。。。直到人生结束为止都在演变着。。。。奇迹,真的很难出现。。。只在一秒,足以让你毁灭眼前的美好,世界,就是那么残忍~~~~
到底,哪个是真、哪个是假,只有他们懂,我们只被媒体蒙着双眼,胡乱猜测,但在这同时我们不是比起真实更该关心他吗?他,被遗留下来,承担一切一切外界猜测的他。。。无论真实如何,真的那么重要吗? 难道,他一时失去三位亲人还得承受外界的好奇心吗?
现在令我疯狂的莫过于这部“来自星星的你” 了!!!
每次救她的一幕都是惊心动人的。。。。。强力推荐这部戏!真心希望结局部要是悲剧啊,且拜!!!现在真的太投入在可爱外星人 都敏俊的角色了~~~完美!还有那吓人的家产~~~
![]() |
帅帅的都敏俊~~~ |
此外,最近也开始观看“总理与我”, 允儿演的。。。好喜欢姜室长,现在才看到第四集,希望他不是那个spy。。。还有,我们和国家未免太坏了吧。。。可怜允儿的角色啊!还是要祝贺戏外允儿公布恋爱了!是他!!!哈哈。。。想不到彼此理想对象真的成为情侣了。。。好感动!在强心脏是就希望两人是一对了,男的十全十美,女的年轻貌美,天生一对!祝福他们。。。。
突然听回中学时代偶像的歌,就是Jonas Brothers, Jesse Mccartney, Usher, Ne Yo 等的歌,有点回味当初每个礼拜必买的杂志:Galaxy...里边的海报还有歌词将成为我在班上桌子贴上的封面。。。当时我们都包了一层黑色纸在桌上,贴上自己的偶像。。。。当时我真的很喜欢他们的歌曲。。。比如:“Just So You Know”, "Because you lived", "Beautiful Soul"-Jesse Mccartney,
"S.O.S", "When you look me in the eyes", "Burnin' up" - Jonas Brothers.... 满满的回忆,或许人老了,就开始回忆起过去吧。。。哈哈~~~我,认老了。。。。
我看了出殡的影片,唯一得到的感触就是。。。。那么伤感的仪式,为什么还是有摄像机的光亮一闪一闪的。。。他,会不会难堪,会不会有一刻希望自己能够在清静的情况,抛下闪闪发亮的光芒,只为送三老最后一程? 我们只看到天空上遥远的他,应该猜测不到他的内心吧。。。看到他哭时,我也心碎了,他,很累吧?孤独吧?现在,他在服兵役,还有几个月就完成了。。。却接到了这种消息。。。很不现实。。。。却只能强装坚强。。。因为他还得照顾母亲与姐姐。。。很难受吧。。。。人生,就是这样,往往发生一些意料以外的事,这些事情,没有任何事先通知,就那么残忍的,毁了你的一切一切计划。。。这就是我们面对的挑战。。。直到人生结束为止都在演变着。。。。奇迹,真的很难出现。。。只在一秒,足以让你毁灭眼前的美好,世界,就是那么残忍~~~~
到底,哪个是真、哪个是假,只有他们懂,我们只被媒体蒙着双眼,胡乱猜测,但在这同时我们不是比起真实更该关心他吗?他,被遗留下来,承担一切一切外界猜测的他。。。无论真实如何,真的那么重要吗? 难道,他一时失去三位亲人还得承受外界的好奇心吗?
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