Ouch...finally Bobby won^^ Win Team B and IKon^^ Congrats again to Bobby...
Real hip hop? Sometimes feel confused and now, i really like hip hop....rap on stage and entertain the audience with some diss lyric? haha^^ Enjoy this show so much...This is some of my review about this show.
You can't forget some people's face, voice and lyric...
The first thing i love this show is because someone called IRON....or Junghunchul (i only know his real name during final round...YDG said that, haha^^) I love him so much^^ Even his voice and his reggae style..."Nice to nice to know ya, let's do it again...", i like his style of music in hip hop industry, i knew he almost become a member in Bangtan...Can't imagine he dance, really...His smile, and when he said "YDG no doubt" with smile face.....just love him so much!!! Arghhh....if i have chance to go travel in Korea, for sure i will go a underground hip hop concert!!! swear! So high.... Hopefully can listen to him live...especially the song "Venom"....The lyric talked about his early life...living a life like trash....won't repeat the life again, yes you won't, he is "东庙 swagger", IRON! so many things to say so i just use Chinese....haha^^
说到IRON, 真的真的,假如听了他说唱, 肯定被他迷倒,实力,外貌具备,可惜的是决胜局败给了Bobby。。。。i feel like, ouchhh....jinjia~~~haizzz... But he proved to everyone by now, his song during semi final topped korean music chart!!! arhhhh! I knew it will happen! I can't stop listening to his song when i on my way doing my assignment that day, just keep on repeating without getting bored....whole day i was listening the same song^^
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The picture i did for Iron, hehe^^ |
So, my wishlist will add one more thing: Watching an underground music live!!! Rock and Hip Hop!
Second, i can't stop laughing when looking at my sister's favorite, GIRIBOY!!! haha..."24, 24, 24,24,.....", "pakkae pi hunda julu julu,pakae pi hunda julu julu,........." "Show me the money, show me the money,....", all just LOL!!! Yay, he's good, talented, have music sense....and cute, but....just feel everytime he performed just made me remind back his lyric...keep on repeating lyric...But, it's entertaining, just feel sad he always lose when facing C Jamm, but i like the way he didn't put any XXXX word inside his lyric, almost every contestants did it....
Third, of course YG IKon's B.I. and Bobby! i'm watching this show because of them, wanna see can they get through and also Tablo, Haru's apa^^ Yes, finally Bobby managed to win in final round, while he facing IRON(omo, my bias).... But they make the stage hot!!! Especially Bobby's "Ka(Go)", keep on replaying it too...hehe... "L4L" combining Dok2 and The Quiet, btw, the quiet really have a calm voice and i still remember in third round when Dok2 asked"When is your last time crying", he answered "When i was born"...hahaha!!! just laught out.... Don't you think is funny! Will talk about him later, back to Bobby "If u didn't know, now u know, baby baby..." that part just Epic! One more the song during semi final, "i'm back on the microphone...say hip hop!" also...keep on replaying, and final "Throw your fist and Bounce" nice lyric! Feel happy for him because he can use the money buy a house for his parents who's hard at USA....He's not rich, fly to Korea for his dream, bring his parents a better life, he can do it! and a 19 year old boy didn't meet his parents for 4 years because he can't afford a flight ticket... He deserved it, the money, best rapper, and the win! Looking forward for IKon's debut.... Talking about B.I., sad to see him actually always forgot his lyric which can become his phobia on stage...but great to see he get through it during his last stage "Be I"...sounds nice... And the episode when he forgot the lyric he will ran to the crowd....and shout something to Olltii (my favorite too^^), nice! just nice^^ "wanna step in me be better than me? or earn more money than my company?" haha^^ "Life is money, money is my tissue".... He's a cute boy at the backstage, when he get scold by Tablo, the face, like a young little boy....I know he will success...Work Hard!
Forth, Swings style, "NO!" and "FUXK" , "SHXT"....and more...hehe...I like his producer team with San E, both of them know how to play well in hip hop....and when they have different opinion also...Swings really like his JUST MUSIC people, Vasco, C Jamm and GIRIBoy, three of them made ti to top 6 too, nice! He also very emotional, when he cried for both his guy, C Jamm and Giriboy during 3rd round...Although Vasco and C Jamm both lose at semi final, but they earn respect! Salute! To Swings....When he perform nice! His expressions also very macho! The show will be bored without him...seriously...
Fifth, talking about face expression, i think about Olltii, young boy but mature rap style... He is unlucky....He is good also, especially acapella rap...(rap without background music), "Why need Team A and Team B, I can also be a winner even i'm alone", haha straight shooting our YG! He also very cute, chubby face, and when he talked about"Dollmodel"...All just nice! Sad case when need to eliminate one frm him and Bobby, so he lose.... I can't forget his expression all the time, when others performed on stage, like when L4L, Bobby showed his charm to the audience (of course girl), he just...haha, throw something, shaking his head...I'm just OMG why you so cute! An emotional ICON from SMTM3.... Hopefully can watch him from underground music showcase too....
Sixth, YDG style, haha Shinmanbo! This one also can keep lisening, i'm just why? why YDG picked such a "strange" person? haha...Even all the producer off the light during second round...
YDG like him so much! But, he's unlucky when Vasco choose him, he said "As long i can show on TV right, shXt", haha...Entertaining also...But, his rap has his own style, actually, no bad...I ws laughing when thinking of his rap, not good, but attractive...haha....Manbo hwaiting ba! Have a drink with Swings already? When i watched back the producer's performance, wow, YDG! No wonder Iron choose him since beginning of the show....He had his own style, can watch his weird style from Running Man too...Actually i hate him when he didn't bother about Iron when during top 8...but when i realised he just wanna gave Iron a chance to try out producing music his own, just felt touched! He's Hip Hop GOD! "Hip Hop Saving Team"....
Seveth, that girl, Yukjidam, although she made many humilating thing, but everyone will remember her "Hip Hop mit dang neuo", haha^^Laughing again...But she will have a great future if she managed not to forget her lyrics....maybe she's still young? No experience...?
Eighth, "That's no no", Masta Wu! Just addicted to his word, that no no! Forgot lyric? that's no no! Pouring water to audience while doing mistake? that's no no! Singing rock on hip hop stage? that's no no! Ouch, just addicted.... He is that's no no hyung for the rappers^^ Even when B.I and Booby did ice bucket challenge, also nominated that's no no hyung^^ haha.... And Iron also imitate him, "that's no no~" Masta Wu, epic!
Ninth, Saying contestants who talked harsh words the most, C J A double M^^ this ain't shit, bitch i'm the shit, you ain't shit, i'm the shit bitch! wow, the song keep "pit pit" sound because of these...haha^^ Salute! Secy chic guy C Jamm....still young, sure will see him more in future... now my mind keep on playing his song "A Yo"..."what the fuck is going on bro?", wow... plus his sexy body, i wanna see him perform live too!!!
Reflash back SMTM3, i think of many funny things... TURN UP ! And i learned a lesson from the show, maybe we didn't expect anything in the beginning, just hopefully can reach some target, but when we climb higher and higher until the end, we will feel like, wow, can we just become the top? like Bobby and Iron, they actually didn't expect can reach final, like what Iron say, he just expect can stay until the producer 1st round....but he keep on made it to final....Yes, he felt like why don't we just win, for YDG? haha...This is something called human being... So is not our fault to having a target, or an aim for victory.... Just how you deal with it, work hard to win...just like that! So, i will always support those who want to do better... If we didn't aim something, will we reach the top? reach for a better place?
Like during school dyas, we always worked hard for getting a better result, so we can further our study, get degree....Without a hard work, can we do it? of course no! So, i will respect those always fight for themselves! Turn up! They deserved it, right? Now, we also fight for a posting place after we graduate....growing up, up and up! Climbing upper, upper and upper... So, don't blame people for working hard...Blame yourself not working too hard... Don't feel jealous for those having better result, because you didn't work harder than the person...Something i have learned from this programme...
Just so many things to write for this show...and i will stop here...if you wanna know more, watch it!
Show Me The Money 3! Once again, congrats to Bobby^^
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