Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Alexander's showcase

really like in a dream u know? i can see him live and meet him in a near distance...OMO OMO!!!! he is soooo cute and handsome!!! Actually i'm not taking much hope to see him because my parents didn't allow me to go before that until Sunday, the day when the showcase they just give me permission to hard...i also felt sorry for them, i know they did everything for me but i just....i don't know why i always like that??? is like what leng said to me i have changed since i go study at ipoh??? But i want to become who i am back....I don't want people say i have changed a lot, please, bring me back!!!I don't want change to become selfish!!! Please....i promise to u all right now, i will try to behave myself from now on, and do everything to help myself improve in my study, don't ever made my parents disapointed again.....
Okay, now i will talk about the showcase! Daebak!!!! Beast ever!!! High!!!! Although it just a small showcase, but i decided to confess to him, Alexander! Wow, but after i see his face, i just can't come out with that word"I love you" really hard to said that you know, and he also shake hand with me, wow!!!! just feel like in a dream, his hand was big and warm, don't know how to describe it.....I won't regret with it anymore, just figure out if someone like him become my boyfriend how good am i!!!!Haengbok weekend!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Crazy Weekend!!!

There are so many things that i would like to share for this two weeks!!! I'm glad that my parents give me permission to go for a concert first time ever!! BTW, i go without their permission before that!!! slap me please!!! Okay, forget about this first, i think i should be one of the most craziest people in the concert cause i suffer from flu and cough before that and it hasn't heal yet during that day, blame it to 2pm concert!!! The organizer didn't let us enter the hall although it was raining and all the people pushing each other and outside it was like a sardine!!!
Okay i will focus on MOA concert right now, I come 8am and it was many ELFs there already, blue shirts!!! sad that i didn't have one.....
我彻底的疯了!!! 失声却能够喊到那么厉害! 但是真的梦想实现了,对自己今年做的承诺,都实现了。。。。最开心的事:Lee Sungmin 对我挥手了!!!!只有台和围栏的距离。。。。好近,可以那么紧看到他们,可以和所有人呼喊superman, mr simple 的口号。。。。可以看他们彩排,更在彩排时也呼喊口号。。。棒极了!!!也能在彩排结束时追着B1A4的车走,与看着车窗招手的 JinYoung 那么近距离。。。总之,太开心了!!!第一次在演唱会开始前能看到所有人,但遗憾的事,手不够长摸不到fx和gongchan的手,就在我面前伸手。。。也没有去送机虽然本有这个冲动。。。。
其实,我也看见了许多好气又好笑的事。。。。第一,好气!!!买不到有superman的衣服,银赫在comeback穿的那件!就是因为犹豫了一下没有size!!!买了有成员们名字的衣服,但入场前才发现希澈的名写错了,更气!没有厕所,虽然刚开始得到进,但之后没得进,要去公园唯一一间厕所,超脏的!进入现场时,工作人员竟然指错方向,还我们差点站在royalzone!!!跑去rockzone时,不能站在靠围栏的位置, 挤死人了,因为在第二排。。。后面的亲吹了气球一直抱着,令我很不舒服!开场时所有人拿着摄影机,还我要踮脚才看到miss a 的真面目,很美,min很性感!suzy 很可爱!又向我们招手,全场笑!
还有遗憾不能看到sj彩排后的样子,我看到fx 和 b1a4 哦。。。。。sj彩排到一半,他们工作人员突然很凶赶了所有人,神精病!!!!只是喊口号和一起唱而已,再那么外面,也没看到他们,这样也要赶!
开心的事,b1a4 的队长太可爱了,真的很近。。。。真的开始喜欢他们的热情,演唱会结束后也向我们招手,上车前也是,可爱!!! 新人都那么热情吗????唯一开车窗招手的叻!!! fx 也是很疯狂!! 尤其是Luna! 整天自high! 可爱,可惜krystal没来,不然就完美!Amber 的人气很高叻!一到他出场就尖叫声连连!!厉害!!!V妈也不错啦,还有人喊nichkhun, 几好笑!两个星期能见到他们夫妻俩满不错的,。。。始源也不错的,上车前还向我们鞠躬,开心死了!!!
总之,我很开心。。。。。可以喊口号,又可以那么近距离看到sj的所有成员。。。。艺声问候时真好笑!!!apa kapa? apa kapa? apa kapa? 唉。。。。。不能顶。。。。笑死我了!sungmin很帅!!!真的!!!越来越喜欢他了!!!银赫和东海就好像很累。。。。利特呢,结束时还跑来跑去向大家鞠躬,真的很好!!!